Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Short & Sweet

Thanks to friends I have an interest in blogging again! Well...I always have an interest, but rarely a will or a topic. I'd love to restart this project but it'll probably be going over lots of identity changes over the next couple of weeks. But for today...

A few nights ago I was in the kitchen popping the toast in the toaster and filling up my glass of water when horror struck...I was nearly out of Nutella. It's a healthy addition to a well balanced breakfast, don't you know?! So I decided that after weeks of bumming leftovers it was finally time to make a trip to the grocery store. I walked down the aisle of spreads, fending off the 3 tons of peanut butter varieties to find Nutella sittin' pretty with its white label at the top of the shelf. But next to it was...Pralinutta? Wha-? How the hell do you even pronounce it?? Nonetheless, it advertised itself as a chocolate hazelnut spread and it was the only direct competitor to Nutella. After a lot of deliberating I took the Pralinutta home to see if it could hold it's own in a face-to-face SPREADOFF.

Today I'm using HEB's own Bake Shop split top white bread, I do prefer a wheat grain and thinner bread traditionally but it was all I had at home so it was good enough. The first surprise happened as soon as I took the lid off on the Pralinutta, it wasn't glossy and didn't have any separation (Nutella separates slowly, the only time I ever mix it is when it's brand new.) Once the toast was plated I spread the Pralinutta on the first half. Honestly, it was a pleasant surprise. It was really easy to spread, almost like a cream, and it finally got it's sheen with the heat. Off the knife the difference was already apparent; it has a very sweet and milky flavor while being light and smooth enough to resemble icing. Next was the familiar 'ol Nutella. Having the Pralinutta to compare it to I suddenly realized how thick and difficult to spread it was, more like a paste or peanut butter than a cream. Off the knife the Nutella had a more rich and nutty flavor. Even on the toast the difference was apparent, Nutella on the left was a thick spread on the Pralinutta on the opposing side was a smooth cream.

The official test only further confirmed what felt, Nutella was safe with it's place on the grocery store and pantry shelf. I much prefer it's richness to Pralinutta which is too sweet and light on toast. On the other hand, I think it would replace Nutella nicely in cupcake recipes and frosting.

* A last note; Pralinutta is cheaper than Nutella by about .50 cents (both in 13oz packaging,) and it is a product of Belgium where Nutella is a product of Canada. Nutritional Facts are similar, biggest differences being Nutella (2 tbsp. servings) having 200 calories, 15mg of Sodium, 22g of Carbs, 21g of sugar, and 3g of Protein. Pralinutta servings (also 2 tbsp.) are lighter at 180 calories, 20 mg of Sodium, 15g of Carbs, and 15g of sugar, it contains no protein.