Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas = time, not money. <3

So, recently I've been in knee deep trying to find a new job, after all I will need more cash during the holidays. My income was about half of what it normally was this last month (on top of a several hundred dollars with of unexpected expenditures) so needless to say I'm in a rut. There was one job in particular that I got an interview for and was very excited about. It was only a $9/hour job, but due to its downtown location (many pros and cons on that one) and the type of business I was desperate for the new experience.

I broke it down tonight though. Right now I make $2.13/hour for a job as a waitress. Guaranteed at least minimum wage of course, which is $6.55/hour. I'd say on the average decent day I'd make anywhere from $8-12/hour though. Its tricky to figure and isn't stable though, as this last month has proved. If I take this new job, which is double the distance and takes triple the amount of time to get to I may end up making less considering the commute. Not to mention a very important factor I hadn't been considering, time off. I normally work about 25 hours a week now, and I've already put in certain dates that I'd like off for the holidays (I'm quick so its practically guaranteed). If I change jobs now, even if it payed more and were closer, I might loose Christmas Eve as well as a slew of other dates and countless hours off that I could be spending with friends and family.

I don't think the change is worth it. Not now at least. I think I'll wait until January and cross my fingers for a decent job opening around here. Until then though, I'm aware that we have coupons out at work now too, which although it normally means lower tips overall it does bring a ton more folks in and business will pick back up too (shopping season always helps anyways).

For now it'll be the same old 5 hour work day coming home smelling like grease and hamburgers. Mmm. Lots of cheap lovely papercraft gifts for everyone too. Most importantly a good balance between work and the few other people that are part of my life. Awww. Look who's suddenly developed a heart in time for the holidays. Nobody has the right to call me completely selfish anymore.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What better to do in the middle of the night?

For the last few months I've had a problem. I stay up late, normally 'till 3 am but I've been getting better and occasionally sometimes I'm out by 2. More likely than not it has to do with the solitude the night brings. Everyone else (at least in my house) is asleep by then and since my dad and step-mom sleep at the opposite end of the apartment I can listen to music or watch tv without waking anyone up. Or I can just sit and chill without interruption or some kind of Q&A session that always happens when there is some kind of electronic failure. Evidentially I'm an absolute G(enius) in fixing everything from surround sound systems to microwave clocks. I'm amazed at how much I can get done in the middle of the night though. Gee look at that, I finally made this blog here after sitting around (and going to work) and thinking about it all day.

So that's all folks. This very first and hopefully soon to be forgotten post is brought to you in part by BAWLS energy drinks and my guilty pleasure, "insomnia".